Saturday 27 July 2024

"But you just settle in, like a song with no end": How Waxahatchee captured everyday romance on song of the year "Right Back To It"

The world was a dreadful place, for obvious reasons, back in 2020. Luckily, that same year, it was blessed with the release of Saint Cloud by Waxahatchee (musical alias of songwriter Katie Crutchfield) and it swiftly became my emotional support record (like many other people, I'm sure). I first got into Katie's music way back around the release of Cerulean Salt, but there was a beautiful clarity and spirit to Saint Cloud that brought me comfort at such a wild time. It's made any new music from Katie appointment listening.

Naturally, it felt like 2024 was getting off to a flyer when a story from Stereogum came into my feed revealing a new Waxahatchee record, Tigers Blood, was incoming this year and, along with it, the reveal of lead single "Right Back To It". Reading Katie explain her intentions for the song really caught my attention. "I wanted to make a song about the ebb and flow of a longtime love story... always finding your way back to a newness or an intimacy with the same person." When I found a moment to listen to it, I was floored. 

Hearing that chorus for the first time was an extraordinary feeling. "Been yours for so long, Come right back to it..." Immediately I was getting emotional as, in that moment, I felt understood. Here was the perfect encapsulation of what a blessing it is to have a love that outlasts all of your anxieties and always takes you to a place of true belonging. It's a masterpiece and goes above and beyond Katie's aims for the song.

So often, love songs are from the standpoint of a new love, dominated by hope and excitement for the possibilities, meaning the love being described is more of a prospective love - an ideal you have faith that you'll reach when buoyed by fresh emotion. What makes "Right Back To It" so special is the fundamental lived-in quality it possesses. This is not a song about the ideal as an abstract concept. This is a song where you are living in the ideal - the genuine article, not the abstract - and recognising it in the day to day experiences of your love. There's a weight to the lyrics and performance that can only come from someone who has authentically lived this. It's a truly resonant song that makes me think of my life with my wife and how our love makes us better ourselves.

I see this song as a culmination of a lot of thematic and stylistic qualities that have been running through Katie's music ever since Saint Cloud. It was a fundamental shift in her music, closer towards Americana and coloured by Katie finding sobriety. On a personal level, it's where I started to feel a true connection, particularly lyrically. The main thing I admired about the Cerulean Salt/Ivy Tripp/Out in the Storm run of albums was the musicianship, especially the guitars, whereas Saint Cloud felt like an album where the narrative of each song had truly equal footing with the music being played. I'd get butterflies listening to so many of these songs, but there's two in particular I want to highlight.

Firstly, there's the utter joy that is "Can't Do Much". I can't hear those guitars without feeling a warmth in my stomach and my lips raising up to a wry smile. It's at the opposite end of the spectrum from "Right Back To It" in the sense of it exploring an earlier stage of your love for someone, but the musicality and the lyrics tie so well together that it feels considered and genuine. The second verse especially, speculating "When you're missing me, what do you see?", illustrates how someone's love can lift your own perception of yourself. It kind of ties in with the exploration of unconditional love, particularly self love, that runs through the album - Katie discussed this when she appeared on Song Exploder.

 Equally, the second verse of "The Eye" gets my heart fluttering:

"Oh, and one of these days you'll call up
You’ll give me something beautiful to think and sing and follow
Our feet don't ever touch the ground"

On their own, those words are a touching description of that feeling of your horizons broadening thanks to your partner, but Katie's delivery of that first line & the way the instrumentation starts to work into the song really drive it home. Producer Brad Cook clearly has a great understanding of Katie's tone and both deserve lots of credit for maintaining an earthiness in this music. This carries over to the banjo and guitar play of "Right Back To It" especially.

Then there's the other key project that lead to something special being unlocked within "Right Back To It" - in 2022, Katie collaborated with Texas songwriter Jess Williamson. Working under the pseudonym Plains, they released a beautiful album, I Walked With You A Ways. The Crutchfield-penned song "Hurricane" sees Katie continue to ruminate on the ideas of unconditional love running through Saint Cloud. It's an important pre-cursor to "Right Back To It", outlining a duality of feeling similar to a destructive force in your own head but taking solace in someone still understanding you through it all. "And if you keep calm in my hurricane, I might keep it at bay, But I know you'll love me anyway".

I think what made this an exciting project for Katie was getting the chance to once again explore how her voice works in conjunction with others. There's such a richness to the choruses on these songs that come from how well Jess and Katie's vocals compliment each other. I've no doubt this was on her mind when bringing in MJ Lenderman to sing on "Right Back To It".

It was so funny hearing Katie describe her process working with MJ during her recent interview with Zane Lowe - how she went into "soccer mom" mode laying out her ideas and then MJ went in there and did his own thing entirely. Incidentally, I'm somewhat ashamed to admit that it took this interview with Zane to make me realise the yacht rock/Boat Songs connection on MJ's most recent album (which is great).

In any event, they sound phenomenal together. It's that much more emotive hearing that chorus performed as a duet. I can't really tell if this is an actual easter egg or just my own head-canon, but I swear both singers put a different emphasis on the "keep" on the line "If I can keep up". In my head it sounds like a different person is ahead of the other on certain deliveries of the chorus. To me, this puts across that there's still a challenge in there - that even with familiarity things aren't always easy and at any point one or the other could fall behind but see their partner as the one leading the way to their betterment.

MJ's biggest contribution ended up taking, for me, the most poignant moment of the song that much higher: the melody on the line "But you just settle in, Like a song with no end". It was no surprise to hear Katie describe it getting such a rapturous reception in the studio because it's such a work of genius, driving home a magnificent line. Right there, in words I could never have put together myself, is the perfect description of the comfort that comes from the love of a partner who can almost read your mind and bring you back to that sense of safety. It is right up there with Talking Heads' "This Must Be The Place" as a musical touchstone I will forever cherish, a reminder of how lucky I am to have the love that I have with my wife.

I'll be seeing Waxahatchee tonight at New Century Hall in Manchester, this time with a full band in tow following Katie's solo show at the same venue last year. I'm beyond excited to hear these songs from the past four years of her career performed like this. I'll try not to be a blubbering mess when "Right Back To It" kicks in.

Tigers Blood is available now on anti- records

Thursday 11 November 2021

WWE Live: Manchester AO Arena, November 10th 2021

Well it's been a good long while since I touched this thing, but on a whim I decided to take my wife to see WWE's latest UK tour. Like many people, I have found myself to be pretty unenthused with many aspects of WWE's current show. I typically only watch the monthly PPV/Network special (unless it's in Saudi Arabia) & that gives me my fill. WWE returning to the UK less than 2 months after their last tour kind of reeked of desperation, but when they announced the card on Halloween weekend and I saw how reasonable the cheapest seats were (about £44 a head seemed fair value when prices for arena entertainment have sky-rocketed - heck, we've just spent £30 a ticket to see Warpaint at the Albert Hall) I thought it was worth a shot. Being dressed in my Orange Cassidy Halloween costume when the news broke probably boosted my enthusiasm for wrestling too. That costume was Orange Cassidy approved to boot:

This was my first mainline WWE Live show since my first ever wrestling show in 2013 an my first WWE show of any kind since the UK Championship Tournament in 2017. That feels like a lifetime ago. My wife hadn't been to a show since she was a child! We were both pretty excited, so let's run through what they had to offer.

Match 1: Finn Balor & Cesaro beat Sheamus & Walter

Finn vs Sheamus & Cesaro vs Walter were originally advertised. Finn got injured late in the tour so merging the 2 into a tag match was to help him work less. I was talking ahead of the show about how I had hopes Walter & Cesaro were going to properly unload since it was the last night of the tour. Obviously that couldn't be the case but at least we still got to see Finn & his entrance.
Earlier that day, Sheamus cut a promo in the Man City changing room singing Liverpool’s praises & kept doing so on the mic in the arena.  Man City & England defender Kyle Walker has a video message that challenged him to wear a City shirt if he lost the match. Naturally, Sheamus lost the fall when Finn rolled him up. He still refused to wear the shirt so Cesaro had to come back out, give him the swing & force the shirt over his head.
VerdictPretty good opener that spread the workload relatively lightly for all, though Finn still got some trademarks in. Sheamus & Cesaro did most of the work, including a good hot tag by Cesaro. Walter mostly just brawled, crowd hung on the teases of his chops. Good mix of shenanigans & workrate.

Match 2: Natalya beat Shayna Baszler

Shayna jumped Nattie during her entrance but it still settled into a good technical match, sweet escapes from both wrestlers. Nattie got a German suplex into the match, which I don’t associate her with. Nattie rolled through the Kirafuda Clutch to pin Shayna’s shoulders ala Bret at Survivor Series 96 to get the win. 
VerdictNice match for the time given.

Match 3: Jeff Hardy beat Madcap Moss via DQ

Happy Corbin
accompanied Moss & bemoaned Manchester for being miserable. Moss had a terrible joke about golfers having two pairs of socks in case they got a hole in one.
Jeff was super over. He played the hits & practically dominated the match. Corbin got thrown out at one point so the ref got to do a colossal "Yoooooouuuuu'rrrreeee OUTTA HERE!" spot. He came back though and  hung Jeff up on the top buckle before the Swanton could connect to cause the DQ. Drew McIntyre came out to even the odds & made a Spice Girls reference in his challenge for a tag match (playa) because Mel B was in the front row. He had to get the crowd to call Corbin a chicken to convince the heels to wrestle the match.

Match 4: Drew McIntyre & Jeff Hardy beat Happy Corbin & Madcap Moss

Drew was spritely, then Jeff wound up playing face in peril. Out of nowhere Moss - who did nothing more complicated than tease a neckbreaker in his match with Jeff earlier - busts out the sweetest move in the match with a good Gory Bomb. Drew got the hot tag & pinned Moss after a Claymore. 
VerdictSimple enough match that meant Drew could work a lighter match while still giving the crowd enough to make them happy, and the Teddy Long impromptu tag booking saved Jeff from having to do a Swanton when no cameras were on. The faces probably glad handed with the crowd post match for longer than they wrestled. The heels offered little really.

Match 5: Tommaso Ciampa beat Sami Zayn & Bron Breakker to retain the NXT Championship

Sami cut a promo where he was actually very respectful about his opponents’ credentials but pointed out NXT would be nothing without him. Ciampa was pretty over. Lots of 2 men in/1 man out, Bron & Ciampa being the initial workhorses, then it switched to Bron/Sami. Bron ruled in this match - suplexes galore & a Frankensteiner. He’s got a bright future. Not much wrestling from Sami, who mostly played spoiler. He tried to pick up the scraps when Bron hit his Gorilla Front Power Slam & kept Bron out of the ring, but Ciampa recovered with a knee lift/ripcord DDT combo to win. 
VerdictVery good match, the wrestling was the most authentic out of everything so far tonight in terms of matching what you’d expect of a televised match.

Match 6: Shinsuke Nakamura beat Jinder Mahal to retain the Intercontinental Championship

Rick Boogs
played Shinsuke to the ring and was really over. This was the first time I’d properly seen his manage Shinsuke & I liked his quirks, like doing a biddley-diddley riff while Shinsuke did the Good Vibrations in the corner, then playing Shinsuke’s theme to help him rally out of a chinlock. I guess he is to Nakamura what the Urn is to The Undertaker. Boogs also broke up Jinder putting his feet on the ropes on a cover, so Jinder tried to convince the ref to tell Boogs "Youuuu'rrreee outta here" but the ref instead told him "Heeeee's STAYING" in a fun call back to earlier. Shinsuke basically played the hits. They teased lots of his kicks into the match rather well with Jinder having an initial block at several points. Shinsuke escaped the Khallas & hit the Kinshasa to win. 
VerdictAn alright match, nothing special. Could have done without the idiots in our section chanting irrelevant stuff that didn’t match the flow of the match at all. More on that later.

Main Event: Charlotte Flair beat Sasha Banks to retain the Smackdown Women’s Championship

Both wrestlers were really over, Charlotte was the heel but was still well supported. These two could wrestle each other in their sleep. Great counters & call backs. Similar in vein to the NXT match - it seemed like both women took great pride in the standard of the match & their responsibility as headliners to make a memorable match. Great energy with Sasha having lots of success with meteora variants, Charlotte doing well with counters to counters like her tilt-a-whirl backbreaker & moonsault into a standing moonsault. Charlotte won with the Natural Selection. She shook hands with Sasha post match but it was a ploy to attack her with the belt. Sasha countered & sent her packing with a backstabber. 
VerdictA terrific match, filled with top class exchanges. Match of the night easily. 

  • Merch stand was dominated by people not even on the show including The Bloodline/Roman Reigns, Becky Lynch, New Day and Kevin Owens. There was also a “Manchester 3:16” shirt, dunno what Stone Cold has to do with anything. But the top seller was probably John Cena’s latest green shirt. Crowd was full of kids wearing that.
  • Arena was probably 2/3s full in terms of seats available. The floor was pretty full and the cheap seats relatively popular but the side of the arena where the “hard camera” traditionally goes was much more empty. The top deck wasn’t rented out at all & curtained off.
  • Trent Seven was front row ringside for Shayna’s match & Hardy’s match. He left when the latter morphed into the tag match with Drew & greeted a bunch of people as he did so. He hot-dogged and grand-standed for all he was worth while he was out there, even Ric Flair at Halloween Havoc 95 would be jealous. “STAND TALL!” That was basically the only NXT UK involvement on the show, besides the BT Sports advert being played before the show.

  • Jesus wept these guys were the most obnoxious fans I think I’ve ever had to be around. I don’t know where they came from but they just magically appeared in time for the first match to put a downer on everyone’s night.
  • At least two of them were United fans & did not like Sheamus’ footy gimmick at all. They chanted “You Scouse bastard” at him until their vaguely sensible friend pointed out how many kids were around. Then they chanted a bunch of United stuff when Walker laid out his challenge, as if they didn’t lose at home to City at the weekend.
  • They spent most of Nattie’s match trying to start chants for other wrestlers, apart from one point where one guy started talking about her possibly having a boob job? A couple sat next to us checked out & switched sections before that match even began, a few people with kids appeared to do the same.
  • They were really aggressively into Sami Zayn during the NXT Title match. There were long spells of them chanting “Let’s Go Sami” when he wasn’t even in the ring or doing anything. If you want to show your support lads, cheering for him when he’s actually doing stuff in the match would be a great start. They were also perfectly okay with having a loud conversation to themselves while he cut his promo, which is not exactly a good way of showing your support for someone either.
  • They totally ruined the Shinsuke/Jinder match. This was the point in the night where they really just disappeared up their own arses and into a world of their own. Just incessant chanting & yelling that did not match the flow of the match & when the rest of the audience were getting into things. Two of them did a duelling “Nakamura/Jinder sucks” chant by themselves for TWO STRAIGHT MINUTES. They were also obsessed with Jinder being Canadian & chanted about that & how he can stick his maple syrup up his arse. I was in my Shinsuke shirt & very excited to see him but this actively took away from my engagement in the match. I was planning to show my support more actively, but I’d heard enough Nakamura chants for a lifetime before the match even really took off.
  • The flashes of misogyny in their treatment of Nattie’s match sadly reached another level during the main event. Pretty sure I overheard them debate which of the wrestlers they’d rather have sex with & one of them tried to do a “Charlotte, show us your WOO” chant going before he was shut down by the least obnoxious one in the group. They also chanted “If Sasha wins, we’re on the piss” but it sounded like they were on the piss already.
  • When the show was over it was really funny looking at them all. Everyone else was leaving the arena & were pretty chatty, but those lads just stayed sat in their chairs, totally silent & looking off to the middle distance like someone took their batteries out. Oh, so now they're quiet!
Final Verdict

This was a fun show overall. There were 3 matches where a sentimental favourite of mine (Jeff, Drew, Shinsuke) was lumbered with someone I did not care for at all (Moss, Corbin & Jinder). Two of those got merged together & while it took a bunch of time, it was good to see Drew have fun with it, while the Intercontinental Title match had some entertaining quirks that would have been more enjoyable without the dicks in the crowd. I was pleased with all the other matches on the show, with Charlotte vs Sasha being a class above everything else & the NXT Title match also proving really good - Bron's got a lot of star potential and didn't look out of place in there with the two veterans. I was happy we went.

I hope you've enjoyed this post. If you did, be sure to check out my podcast Then, Now, Whatever. We're currently in the middle of our Tape Trader Diaries series looking at the wrestling shows we shared with each other growing up. You'll find the latest episode embedded below.

Monday 24 July 2017

Then, Now Whatever Episode 6: 'Member WCW Mayhem 1999?

Hello everyone,

Again, I realise I'm incredibly behind with these, but hopefully you've had chance to check out my last post looking at the bat shit crazy WCW World Championship Tournament leading up to this Pay Per View. As I've mentioned previously, and in the podcast itself, WCW Mayhem 1999 was the first Pay Per View to take place after I discovered wrestling, after having examined the first Pay Per View after Kyle was introduced to wrestling in our previous episode. This was an extremely difficult episode to edit and the recording session was at least one hour longer than the run time, so lots of stuff got cut. So as promised, you can listen to the episode below, as well as check out some additional notes & references for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy.


That audio came from a TV commercial for the WCW Mayhem video game.

The bed for our introductions was the live version of Metallica's "Seek And Destroy" which Sting used as his entrance theme when I started watching WCW.
Of course, we went on to discuss our experiences watching World of Sport in Episode 7.

Naturally, given how long it's been since the episode was recorded, the music video Kyle's students were featured in has now been released. Check it out below.

"An obsession with KISS" - Bischoff paid KISS millions to perform live on WCW Monday Nitro & also use their likeness for a KISS branded wrestler, The KISS Demon. This was a flop, naturally, and the wrestler would should up on occasion as simply The Demon, as KISS didn't want to be associated with this train wreck any more.

"Rey without a mask" - definitely check out the New Generation Project Podcast's Halloween Havoc 1997 episode for more on that.

"Bryan Alvarez & ... some other guy" - the name I was searching for was, of course, R.D. Reynolds.

Jarrett vs Benoit

I of course had to splice in Jarrett's rip off Kid Rock theme so you could all hear how great it is.

"The GLAGEH sleeper hold" - a mainstay of the AE Podcast. I encourage you to check out their "Grunt of the Night" compilation here.

"Never drawing a dime" - any excuse to play this

Cruiserweight Championship/$25000 Match

I will never be ashamed of marking out for rubbish WCW midcarders! "Sing along with 3 Count..." 3 Count were various combinations of Shane (Hurricane/Gregory) Helms, Shannon Moore and Evan Keragias who were one of my most fondly remembered naff gimmicks from my early days as a fan. I still love the logic of having a heelish fake boyband playing off the popularity of Backstreet Boys, N*Sync etc and how the wrestling fans at the time were unlikely to hold those kind of groups in high regard.

Hardcore Championship Match

DDT Pro's Ironman Heavymetalweight championship has an absolutely bat shit crazy lineage that I encourage you to explore here. My favourite champions were the table and Bunny the cat

"Brian Knobbs remembered HIS weapons trolley" - see our Wrestlemania 32 episode for our frustrations at Dean for forgetting his weapons.

Here's The Big Wiggle for your enjoyment

Intergender Tag

The lead in to this match was yet another fashion parade. Here's the fetching head gear of Konnan's that tickled me...

...and here's Perry Saturn's get up.

I think the boring chant I thought I heard early on in this match might have actually been a chant for Torie, but hey ho.
"You just have to remember not to work yourself into a shoot" - *inserts that Hulk Hogan Tweet*.

First Trimester Question Time

Taker's reaction to that first Draft really was immense

What are your wrestling cravings? What are your go to shows when you want something to watch?

Buff vs Hennig

That moustache on Nick Patrick though...

Bret vs Sting

"This one is for Owen" - Bret's brother, who passed away in a horrible accident where he fell from the rafters of the Kemper Arena in Kansas City whilst playing his Blue Blazer superhero character. A month or so prior to this Pay Per View, Nitro had a show in the Kemper Arena and Bret wrestled Benoit in tribute to Owen, I'd definitely recommend tracking that one down.

Dog Shit Collar Match

Dear God that Oklahoma gimmick...

Meng vs Lex

Mace spots in wrestling are always super dodgy. Those of you who are listening to my guest spots on the Raw Is Nitro podcast should keep your ears open in the future for one instance of this happening during our TNA Impact vs WWE Raw head to head story arc in the near future...

Sign Watch

For our non-British listeners, the music used in the intro to this segment is the theme tune to the TV show Crimewatch (hence the segment name). Here's the "This is still crap" sign that got this show spot on.

Oh, and any Canadian listeners/readers - do you use shagging as a euphemism for sex?

Hall vs Booker

The WWE Network has an abridged version of the documentary from Scott Hall's Home Video release Living On A Razor's Edge that I really recommend you check out if you want a deeper understanding of Scott's personal problems.
The default thing was (naturally) a Simpsons reference.

"that choke sidewalk slam thing that he does" - affectionately referred to as the "chokebottom" by the New Generation Project Podcast.
"Old Booker T is definitely good Booker T" - for sure, we didn't have to put up with him teeling us he thinks all women secretly hate each other back then!

David vs Kimberley

This episode was full of disingenuous WCW commentary, but Tony calling this match "one of the marquee match ups here tonight" made me lose my shit the most!
What was awkward about Kyle identifying Shawn Stasiak as a bad second generation wrestler was he actually follows us!
Crowbar, who might be better known as Devon Storm, actually wound up in an alliance with David Flair later on in WCW.

I Quit Match

Back in January of that year Mankind and The Rock had an I Quit Match at the Royal Rumble revolving around doctored audio of one of the participants, so the build  to this match shared some real similarities.
Here's the famous angle Bret and Goldberg had together that made all of Canada hate Goldberg.

Main Event

You can hear me at times audibly stutter trying not to resort to swearing to describe the goings on of such a crazy show. I don't think this was as good as their Owen Hart tribute match but this is the most complete feeling match on this show for a very long time.

Next Time: Our next episode looked at the World of Sport Wrestling pilot episode Kyle & I attended. You can give it a listen here & keep your eyes peeled for the blog edition still to come.

Remember, the easiest place to keep track of the podcast is by following us on Twitter @tnwpodcast, and give us a like on Facebook. Subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts/iTunes, Stitcher Radio and Soundcloud, and be sure to leave us a rating or a review if you like what you hear.

Until next time...

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Then, Now Whatever: The Worst Tournament Ever? The WCW Title Tournament, October-November 1999

Hello everyone,

Sorry it's been a while since I did one of these. Hope you've all been enjoying the podcast in general.

Having covered how Kyle became a fan in our previous episode, it was now time to delve into the story of how my fandom started. As covered in Episode 6, going off my memories of seeing a Sting vs Goldberg match on WCW Worldwide I figured out that WCW Mayhem 1999 was the first Pay Per View to occur after I became a fan.

The backdrop to this show was a 32 person tournament for the vacant World Heavyweight Championship. I'd like to reiterate my recommendation you check out "The Death of WCW" by R.D. Reynolds & Bryan Alvarez for their take on it. However, I have taken the trouble of watching every match from the tournament prior to Mayhem, and as a companion piece for our Mayhem 99 episode, I've reviewed them all for you here. These matches were spread over the course of the four episodes of Nitro between Halloween Havoc and Mayhem. The brackets were split into four groups, each group winner going on to the semis at Mayhem.

 October 25th

Group 1 Round 1 - Norman Smiley vs Bam Bam Bigelow

In a pre-match promo Smiley promised to show off his technical skill. This is the "Mayhem Match of the Week" - if you can remember the winner, you get the chance to win tickets for "WCW Nitro New Year's Evil" from the Houston Astrodome December 27th!
ONE MATCH in to this tournament & it has already descended into bollocks, as Bam Bam decides to challenge Smiley to a hardcore match, since he's "such a scientifical wrestling technician". So the wrestlers can just decide the stipulations to their matches?
The finish: Thoroughly idiotic, as Bam Bam covers Smiley's head with a trash can and accidentally bumps into said trash can, which supposedly keeps him down long enough for Norman to do his "Big Wiggle" dance & cover for 3.
Winner: Norma Smiley @ 1:24
Verdict: DUD

Group 1 Round 1 - Perry Saturn vs Eddie Guerrero

Saturn got tonnes of smoke for his entrance. Brain: "Who started wrestling, Cheech & Chong?". Perry tells Eddie's fellow Filthy Animals to leave ("Hit the bricks jabronis"). In the distraction Eddie attacks Perry's leg. Are those Eddie sucks chants? But he's the babyface!? Eddie's got busted ribs, so Saturn's offence focuses on that, including a cool suplex and a dive taking him & Eddie off the apron.
The finish: David Flair sneaks out to crowbar Eddie in the ribs & Saturn locks in the Rings of Saturn back in ring for the tap out.
Winner: Perry Saturn @ 3:40 via submisson
Verdict: 3/10. They did what they could for the time given, but why the need for the run in?

Group 2 Round 1 - Madusa vs Meng

I've just noticed Dave Penzer's rainbow cummerbund! 

Tony upon finding out Madusa's wrestling Meng: "That's gotta be a rib, right?" Madusa fires up lots & Meng no sells like crazy, not going down despite Madusa getting a dropkick & enzughiri.
The finish: Meng mares Madusa off a sleeper and locks in the Tongan Death Grip  for the pin.
Winner: Meng @ 2:33
Verdict: 3/10. Madusa showed good fire & frustration at being unable to knock down Meng.
Evan Karagias flirtily checks on Madusa post match.

Group 2 Round 1 - The Total Package vs Rick Steiner

Immediately Jeff Jarrett comes out to join commentary. Steiner controls, and after a belly to belly Jeff sees his chance to stalk Liz. This somehow results in Jarrett accidentally whacking Steiner with the guitar (the old "El Kabong"), so he groggily chases Jeff to the back & gets counted out.
Winner: The Total Package @ 2:59 via count out
Verdict: DUD

Group 1 Round 1 - Billy Kidman vs Konnan

Both men were too distressed about Torrie Wilson being held captive by The Revolution to cut a coherent pre-match promo, yet Konnan's still happy enough to do his little pouncing out to the ring. And he needs to pull his trousers up! After a rolling clothesline by Konnan & BK Bomb by Kidman we get a ref bump, yay! Harlem Heat arrive to clubber them both. Eddie & Rey Mysterio chase them off & Kidman covers for 3.

Winner: Billy Kidman @ 1:53
Verdict: DUD

Group 2 Round 1 - Sting vs Brian Knobs

Sting wins in 13 seconds after walloping Knobs with the baseball bat.

Group 2 Round 1 - Diamond Dallas Page vs David Flair

Incensed at Page for injuring his dad last night, David sneak attacks DDP with a crowbar before the match can even begin. It's not obvious what the result is & naturally they just cut to the next segment in 1 second. More on next week's episode.

Group 1 Round 1 - Goldberg vs Bret Hart

Bret supposedly has a "hairline fracture" in his ankle & gave his Tito Santana "I'm gonna do my best" promo earlier in the night. This match is also for Goldberg's United States Championship because why the heck not. After a Gorilla Press Powerslam Goldberg gets a pair of leg grapevines - the first Bret scrambles to the ropes immediately, the second Goldberg lets go of willingly!  Bill: "You gotta stop." Bret: "I ain't stopping for nothing!" Goldberg mared out of Bret's sleeper, causing another ref bump wohoo!
The finish: Bret get shit canned outside, The Outsiders & Sid Vicious arrive to hit their trademark moves on Goldberg & Bret rolls in to get the 3.
Winner: Bret Hart @ 7:52
Verdict: 2.5/10. More angle than match.

* Notable signs from that show: "Saturn Slangs Bean Pies", "That Was Weak!", "Russo, Where's The Gambler?", "Jericho 4, Greenberg 0"

Thanks for the tournament brackets

November 1st

Group 4 Round 1 - Vampiro vs Berlyn

Berlyn's bodyguard "The Wall" evidently didn't have a name at this point, while Vamp only had eyeliner, no facepaint. Berlyn controls early, hitting a nice Saito suplex. Vamp replies with a decent mule kick. Rock band The Misfits arrive and guess what? There's a ref bump. Yay! Cue brawling between The Misfits & The Wall.
The finish: The Misfits sweep Berlyn's leg away during a slam attempt & hold his limbs down so Vamp can get the 3.
Winner: Vampiro @ 4:11
Verdict: 2.5/10. Sloppy but watchable before the shenanigans dragged things down.

* It turns out DDP was awarded the victory last week, but is unable to compete through injury, so The Total Package gets a bye to the Quarter Final.

Group 3 Round 1 - The Cat vs Lash LeRoux

Tony puts over that Cat returned from his knee injury 2 weeks early for this. So, naturally, his leg buckles on an Irish whip & Lash hooks an Indian Deathlock variant for the submission.
Winner: Lash LeRoux @ 0:56 via submission
Verdict: ANGLE

Group 4 Round 1 - Buff Bagwell vs Stevie Ray

LOL you can see the camera man encouraging the crowd to "raise the roof" when Stevie arrives. He informs Buff The Powers That Be have made this a Strap Match. TPTB hate Buff. This match is basically just choking & clubbering.
The finish: Creative Control enter the ring & the bell rings(!?) as Buff runs away (he got unstrapped quickly). DQ IN A STRAP MATCH FFS.
Winner: Buff Bagwell @ 2:49 vis disqualification
Verdict: DUD. This was hot garbage.

Group 4 Round 1 - Curt Hennig vs The Disco Inferno

In a pre-match promo Hennig referred to "The Powers To Be" and "Disco Infurro". Yep, he ain't Perfect any more. The show is in Curt's home state so his Dad Larry "The Axe" is front row, refuses Disco's handshake & levels him (no DQ?) between a nice brisk rope run routine by Curt. Disco's able to block the Hennigplex but Tony Marinara arrives & informs Disco "it's time to collect", so he abandons the match & Hennig wins by count out.
Winner: Curt Hennig @ 3:30 via count out
Verdict: 3/10. Nice, pacey & competent before the daft finish.

Group 4 Round 1 - Jeff Jarrett vs Booker T

Jarrett jumped Book during his entrance & the ref actually prevents a guitar attack! Of course Creative Control arrive. Book rolls through a crossbody for 2. They trade sleepers, then Book gets the Book End, Scissors Kick & Harlem Side Kick, but Creative Control's distraction allows Jeff to "El Kabong him for 3.
Winner: Jeff Jarrett @ 2:38
Verdict: 3/10. Loved Booker's offence. Jarrett's selling? Less so.

Group 3 Round 1 - Madusa vs Evan Karagias

Yep, Madusa gets another chance for some reason. They basically just flirt all match long. Madusa gropes Evan & slaps his cap off, then he frisks her escaping a headlock (Tony: "Keep yo' miind on yo' business boy."). Fucking hell Madusa just thrusts her crotch towards Evan in the corner.
The finish: Madusa sort of Thesz Presses out of a hug & kisses Evan for 3.
Winner: Madusa @ 2:11 via sexuality.
Verdict: BOLLOCKS. Totally went against Madusa's story of wanting to be seen as a peer and not just a model for perfume or evening gown matches.

Group 3 Round 1 Steel Cage Match - Chris Benoit vs Dean Malenko

Not sure why this is a cage match. These two wrestled in a Last Man Standing Match the week before so maybe it was to maintain the same level of violence?
Ha, Penzer introduces Malenko, who's already in the cage, as we see Benoit come out, so it looks like he messed up. Neat spot where Benoit Alley Oops Dean into the cage & immediately powerbombs him. Dean gets crotched climbing up & dropkicked into the cage, but counters a second with a catapult to the cage. Benoit climbs after a Tombstone but gets Electric Chaired.
The finish: Saturn climbs up & tosses a chain in the ring, but falls off when Malenko's knocked into him, allowing Benoit to punch Dean with the chain & hit an amazing headbutt from the cage top for 3.
Winner: Chris Benoit @ 4:29
Verdict: 5.5/10. A super efficient match with some good spots.

Group 3 Round 1 - Scott Hall vs Sid Vicious

TROLLOLOL a Fingerpoke of Doom reference sees Hall trick Sid into a roll up for 2. Fans chant Goldberg to taunt Sid as he backbreakers Hall. He cuts off a Hall comeback with a chokeslam.
The finish: Bret, on crutches, comes out, hits Sid with a crutch to prevent a powerbomb, misses his crutch shot to Hall, and Hall scootches around the other side of the ring to get the 3.
Winner: Scott Hall @ 4:53
Verdict: 2/10. What a whole lotta blah.

* Notable signs: "Buff is the real people champion", "Last Call for Alco-Hall"

November 8th

* It's revealed an injury to Meng means Sting gets a bye to the Quarter Final next week, where he'll face The Total Package.

Group 1 Round 2 Hardcore Match - Billy Kidman vs Norman Smiley

Smiley's all in hockey gear & Brian Knobs is on commentary. Norm spanks Kidman while holding him in a wheelbarrow.
The finish: Knobs attacks Smiley on the outside with a hockey stick (for some reason Jimmy Hart felt the need to distract the ref from this) & Kidman covers back inside for 3.
Winner: Billy Kidman @ 2:12
Verdict: DUD

Group 3 Round 2 - Madusa vs Chris Benoit

Benoit outwrestles Madusa with ease in some decent exchanges. She hits a Frankensteiner but Benoit chops back. Evan comes out & brawls with the ref!? Jarrett arrives & brawls with Benoit too, so Madusa's DQed I guess?
Winner: Chris Benoit @ 1:49 via disqualification
Verdict: 1/10. Felt like the tentative opening exchanges to a good match and then bollocks ensued because it's late 99 WCW.

Group 4 Round 2 - Buff Bagwell vs Vampiro

A Misfit greets Buff on the ramp in a TRAP. Vamp's somersault misses & Buff gets a neckbreaker, then knocks all The Misfits off the apron.
The finish: Berlyn attacks Vamp with a chain while the ref was still groggy from (take a guess) a ref bump. The Buff Blockbuster gets the win.
Winner: Buff Bagwell @ 1:22
Verdict: 1.5/10. So little of note, and ANOTHER run in? Jesus.

Group 1 Round 2 - Bret Hart vs Perry Saturn

Shane Douglas is on commentary, calling Saturn "a jack of all trades" & Bret "a washed up has been". Decent wrestling to start & a big springboard kick by Perry gets 2. He focuses on the "injured ankle" & scores a T-Bone suplex but the Asai Moonsault missed. Bret comes back with his five moves of doom. Douglas sneaks a cast shot when Bret goes for the Sharpshooter & Saturn gets the Death Valley Driver! But it only gets 2!
The finish:  Benoit arrives to brawl with Douglas, & after Perry dives onto both, his Sunset Flip is beautifully countered to the Sharpshooter for the submission.
Winner: Bret Hart @ 5:01 via submission
Verdict: 5/10. Maybe I've just become desensitised to all the run ins, but that was a pretty good effort for the time allotted.

Group 3 Round 2 - Scott Hall vs Lash LeRoux

Kevin Nash, who's kayfabe retired, has gained a license to manage Hall so he's out dressed as The Grand Wizard.
It's interesting to hear Bobby Heenan so full of praise for Lash. He somersaults out of a hammerlock after being slapped around but Hall quickly returns to raggin' on heeyum & hits the Chokebottom.
The finish: Lash comes back with more basic flying strikes but falls pray to the discus punch, Fallaway Slam & Outsider's Edge for 3.
Winner: Scott Hall @ 6:14
Verdict: 4/10. Decent layout and fun in general but Lash's offence was so cookie cutter.

Group 4 Round 2 - Curt Hennig vs Jeff Jarrett

Hennig suffers a load of roll ups early & complains to Heenan about the ref being out to get him. Creative Control arrive again. Hennig blocks the Figure 4 & counters the Stroke leading to ANOTHER ref bump! The Hennigplex gets Curt the visual 3 but Creative Control beat him up & slam him through the announce table. Realising they've fucked up & that TPTB's edict was Curt only retires when he gets pinned, they scramble to get him back in the ring but can't beat the count.
Winner: Jeff Jarrett @ 5:19 vis count out
Verdict: 2/10. Nothing leg work by Jarrett followed by a nothing comeback by Hennig.

* Only notable sign from this show "World Wussie Federation".

November 15th

Group 3 Quarter Final - Chris Benoit vs Scott Hall

Bret's out with Benoit to counteract Nash being with Hall. Benoit snotted on Hall after having the toothpick thrown at him. Ew.  Hall teased a test of strength so he could thumb the eye but still gets outwrestled, then he starts chopping Benoit because he has no common sense. The ref somehow misses sneak attacks by Nash. Where's Bret to get on his case? A Fallaway Slam & sleeper wears Benoit down but he comes back with a lariat, backbreaker and baseball slide. Bret saves Benoit from a slam by Nash, and while the ref tries to separate them Sid comes out to powerbomb Hall.
The finish:  Benoit get the flying headbutt but has to fend Nash off again. Hall tries to attack with some knucks in the distraction but winds up in the Crossface for the submission.
Winner: Chris Benoit @ 9:38 via submission
Verdict: 3.5/10. Too much stalling & shenanigans, not to mention poor selling by Hall surviving both Sid & Benoit's finishers.

Group 1 Quarter Final - Bret Hart vs Billy Kidman

Bret smothers Kidman early with an atomic drop & clothesline, then rolls through a Sunset Flip ala his match with Saturn, but Kidman blocks the Sharpshooter, so Bret slingshots him over the top instead! Kidman comes back with a Tornado Bulldog for 2. The Outsiders arrive to sexually harass Torrie Wilson. Seriously. While The Animals brawl with them, Bret blocks a Frankensteiner into the Sharpshooter for the tap out.
Winner: Bret Hart @ 3:46 via submission
Verdict: 3/10. Outside of the wicked catapult, call back to the Saturn match & the finish there wasn't much to this.

Group 4 Quarter Final - Jeff Jarrett vs Buff Bagwell

Buff gets a neat leapfrog & dropkick followed by an atomic drop, clothesline & dance. Guess who's here? No, not Jushin Thunder Liger, but Creative Control! After dodging an El Kabong, Buff El Kabong's one of Creative Control only to fall prey to the Stroke for 3.
Winner: Jeff Jarrett @ 2:05
Verdict: 2/10. Buff's offence was actually decent but my God how many "Jarrett does nothing but wins" matches do we need in this tournament?

Group 2 Quarter Final - Sting vs The Total Package

Luger looked surprised Sting was able to come out. Apparently he tried to get some tainted brownies to Sting but WCW Janitor Hacksaw Jim Duggan intercepted them. I shit you not.
Sting whacks Lex in the leg he claimed he hurt last week slipping on a wet floor. Sting's really fired up. He blocks Package's attempt to atomic drop out of the corner ten punch, hits a pair of Stinger Splashes & hooks on the Scorpion Deathlock, but Luger trips the ref up & Liz maces Sting!
The finish: With the ref still down Package applies the Torture Rack, but Meng arrives to Tongan Death Grip Luger, dragging Sting on top of him for 3.
Winner: Sting @ 4:03
Verdict: 3/10. I always love Sting when he gets all fiery but besides that this was a poor match.

* One final sign of note: "Sid fears box".

Final Thoughts: You can probably tell from all the ratings for these matches that the company wasn't in the best of form going into Mayhem 99. Nitro was still 3 hours long at this point yet the vast majority of these matches were squeezed into 2-5 minutes. Only having tournament matches on Nitro was a big mistake for me. You still had Thunder and Saturday Night on the air at this point - both of those shows could have easily accommodated some of the matches involving lower card talent.

Not only were the wrestlers in these matches hampered by a lack of ring time, they also had to accommodate CONSTANT BOLLOCKS such as run ins, mystery DQs or lack there of and random stipulation changes. For some reason 6 of these matches weren't regular wrestling matches. There were only 7 clean finishes and  (counting all of the people involved) an incredible FORTY EIGHT (48) instances of outside interference over the course of the tournament so far.

So in general, the matches from the tournament before the Pay Per View offered up nothing I can categorically recommend. If there are any unusual pairings which make you think "Oh I've always wondered if they'd wrestled" & feel like watching out of curiosity, knock yourself out. If there's anything I've described here that's made you think "It can't be THAT bad surely?" & want proof yourself, again, go ahead. But I seriously can't remember a set of matches put together with one central "focus" that has been as terrible as the matches collected over the course of these four Nitros.

Is there anything redeemable to come from the Semi Final and Final matches? Well, you can check out our episode on Mayhem 99 in full below to find out for yourself, and look out for the blog edition with "director's commentary" etc in the near future.

In addition, you can come follow us on Twitter and Facebook and Soundcloud, where you'll find all of our episodes so far, or subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher radio (search tnwpodcast). See you soon.

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Then, Now, Whatever Episode 5: 'Member WWF Unforgiven 1998?

Hello again everyone. It's been a while but we're back! Episode 5 of Then, Now Whatever is in the books. As usual, we've put together this lovely blog edition with additional production notes & visual references to compliment what we discussed on the show.

After spending all of our previous episodes (barring the pilot I made) discussing current wrestling as a way of getting ourselves into a groove, so to speak, we were very keen to take a look at some older stuff. So we thought, as a little "getting to know you" exercise, we'd go back to when we both started watching wrestling. and look at the first Pay Per Views to happen after we became fans. Kyle has been watching for longer than me - he's been watching since April 98 - so it made sense to start with that and look at the WWF's PPV from around that time, Unforgiven: In Your House.
We'll get to the PPV relevant to when I first got into wrestling in the next episode - more on that later (although if you were paying attention to my first guest appearance on the Raw Is Nitro Podcast, you may have an idea of what that might be), but first, let's delve into Unforgiven!

Seeing as this was our first opportunity to look back at some older wrestling, and with this current season of South Park having such a focus on nostalgia, I had to use the 'Member Berries in our intro (and if you look at our episode artwork, Undertaker is actually holding one). Luckily the wonderful Mike Hansen had made a wrestling themed version of their schtick for a recent edition of Botchamania, so I used that.

Since we'd been away a fair while Kyle suggested we use "The Boys Are Back In Town" by Thin Lizzy as the bed for our introductions. I found an instrumental version and it sounds really great.

You can find Triple H recruiting X Pac into DX below, which was the promo Kyle was referring to in his discussion on his early memories of wrestling.

"You sounded like Captain Black then" - Captain Black was the Spectrum agent the Mysterons took under their control in Captain Scarlet And The Mysterons. If you have no idea what that show is then you've had a very deprived childhood. On the other hand, I'll forgive you for not knowing what Masked Rider was - a failed attempt by Saban to bring Kamen Rider to the West Power Rangers style.

6 Man Tag

I'm sure you'll have noticed I referred to every match on the card as a Main Event. This is in reference to WWE having the "Main Event" of No Mercy as the opening match and also their epic butchering of announcing then backtracking on Sasha vs Charlotte being the headline match for Hell in a Cell. Mick Foley stated the WWE Universe themselves could decide what the main event of a show is, so I decided every match should be a main event. :)

Poor old Steve Blackman got it in the neck for just being "meat in the room" at this point in his career...

Oh, and just to reiterate, Ken Shamrock's theme music is awesome.

European Title Match

The circumstances of Owen's passing are truly tragic. His accident occurred before I got into the WWF, so I never got to experience any of his work "first hand"/during the time and it is only through watching his work on DVDs/watching old matches on the Network etc that I grew to love him. I seriously encourage anyone looking to learn more about Owen's story to check out How2Wrestling's episode on his career.

"If only they knew" - a butchered attempt to reference Chyna's book, actually called If They Only Knew.

Here's that infamous call by Joey Styles that was the only thing I could think of that was more awkward in retrospect that JR's "Chyna ascending to the heavens" call.

"Aloha Triple H can't block the sunset flip" - of course reference to one of OSW's greatest running gags, "Aloha Arn", based on Arn Anderson's strategy of waving your hands to block a sunset flip.

Owen's enzughiri was in storyline what caused Shawn Michaels a concussion in late 1995, playing off a real life incident in Syracuse where he was beaten up by some marines. "Poop mouth" is of course an Anchorman reference.

NWA Tag Title Match

There was a fair bit of "Howard Finkel introduces someone only for them to introduce someone else" on this show...

Evening Gown Match

Seriously, Luna's cadence sounds a spot on match for lots of monsters from Power Rangers, especially those voiced by the person voicing the villain in this clip here.

Half Time Question Time

As Kyle mentioned, if you have any ideas for questions we could use in this segment, feel free to tweet them to us (@tnwpodcast). Kyle's comic book themed answers gave me a perfect excuse to use 90s Marvel cartoons themes as the bed for the segment this time out. Also if anyone from the UK ever called the WWF Superstar hotline, please do get in touch.

WWF Tag Title Match

In our previous episode we were debating why the ref wouldn't let The Revival tag in via hand/foot contact, which is why we were a bit bemused that tagging in via groin/face contact is grand.

I think the references to how ridiculous Sunny's outfit was got cut, by it WAS ridiculous.

"Her breasts are HUGE" - seriously, how could you miss them?

Double J's Concert

"The country band of the 90s" - incidentally, Sawyer Brown actually formed in 1981! Although they did actually win a couple of awards around the time period of this show, so fair dues. This is once again another appearance for Random Steve, just filling out the card.
Changing Rooms was a decorating/home improvement show that used to air here in Britain on BBC One. A few of the designers on that show, like Laurence Llewelyn Bowen were quite famous for their fancy shirts. Jarrett wouldn't have looked out of place on that show too come to think of it.

Inferno Match

The Kane vs Vader "Mask vs Mask" match Kyle alluded to also happens to be the match where Vader referred to himself as "nuthin' but a big fat piece of shit" after losing.
Taker's posing in the flames looked so cool.

"It looked very fake towards the end" - see for yourself here.

Kane and Undertaker did indeed wrestle in Smokey Mountain Wrestling when Kane was Unabomb, as well as in the WWF when Kane was Isaac Yankem AND when he was Fake Diesel too!

WWF Title Match

I swear somewhere back home I have a picture I drew of myself as the Hardcore Hotshot! I will have to try and find it the next time I'm over there.

Seeing as Kane was the person that most pleasantly surprised Kyle watching this show back, I figured his music was a good choice for the outro.

That'll just about wrap things up then. Remember, you can follow us on Twitter @tnwpodcast, like our Facebook page and come follow us on Soundcloud. There you'll find a handy playlist of all our episodes so far, as well as Duncan's guest appearances on the Raw Is Nitro Podcast, who you should also check out on Twitter and Soundcloud.
We are also on Stitcher Radio and iTunes, so you can subscribe to us through there if that's the way you get your podcasts.

We will return next time out, looking at the first Pay Per View to happen after Duncan became a fan...

WCW MAYHEM 1999!!!

Oh yes, get's who's got two thumbs and was unfortunate enough to get into wrestling via late 1999 WCW? *Points to self with thumbs* This moi!

This show saw WCW about two months into Vince Russo and Ed Ferrara's run as showrunners for the company, so this show is Russo-rriffic as fuck! To take advantage of this, we have a fun way you can get involved with the show. I've made a little tally sheet of the line up for Mayhem 1999. If you dare endure want to watch the Pay Per View before we review it, you can print this out or screenshot it and scribble over it to keep a track of three key tropes of Russo's WCW tenure and one trope Russo's tenure was sadly lacking in. The four things you should look out for whilst watching the show are:
  • Instances of outside interference - here I'm counting the appearance of one person not legally in a match as one instance of outside interference, so for example if a stable of four wrestlers all run in to interfere, that counts as four instances of outside interference.
  • Guest commentators - anybody who grabs a microphone and joins the announce team especially for a certain match.
  • Attempts to repeat past successes in the WWF - Russo seemed to take the attitude of "whatever worked in the WWF would work in WCW", often to his detriment. If there's anything in this show that SCREAMS 1998/99 WWF, note it down. For example, to give you a hint, Russo seemed very keen to find a WCW equivalent to Chyna - a female wrestler who was treated as equal to the men.
  • Clean finishes - these are instances where matches end without any cheating or interference. So for example, a wrestler pinning their opponent after using their finishing move is a clean finish. However, if a wrestler is only able to pin their opponent because someone outside of the match is distracting them, that is NOT a clean finish. Be warned: do not expect many of these.
So, if you watch the PPV and keep a tally of those tropes using the Google Doc below, Tweet us your totals or put them in the comments of the Doc. The person who gets the totals closest to my own will get a mention in the next episode!

So get the Google Doc below downloaded and keep an eye on our Twitter account for when we're due to record. We'll see you next time!

Saturday 20 August 2016

Then Now Whatever Episode 4: WWE NXT Takeover - The End

Hello everyone. I appreciate how late this is, but I figures since (as of writing) we're mere hours away from the next NXT Takeover, this would be a very timely moment to get this blog edition all sorted. So here we have our most recent episode covering NXT Takeover - The End (...Of The Beginning) along with all kinds of visual treats and extra notes to compliment it.  Click on the links to the match names to skip to the audio for that match.

  • This episode is basically one big Shinsuke Nakamura love in, so I thought it was appropriate to open up with his entrance music from New Japan (which I absolutely adore) and close things off with his NXT theme (which I think I'm starting to adore even more than his NJ theme, which I didn't think possible). 
  • We were back in the studio for this one, and owe a great deal of gratitude to our producer Edd who helped us out of several problems with overheating and the CPU of the equipment overloading.
  • Kyle was being pretty modest about his operation. Hearing about about it actually made me wince.
  • Seeing as we had some more guys from New Japan being brought up for discussion for the first time on the show I couldn't resist bringing out my New Japan Ring Announcer impression. For anyone wondering what was going on with Anderson's I've found this video to help you out - since his moniker was "The Machine Gun", they'd actually play the sound effects of a machine gun over the PA & he'd mime shooting one. 

  • Since we've recorded, Cody Rhodes has actually made his Evolve debut against Zack Sabre Jr. And of course, Lesnar won his fight against Mark Hunt, although the latter's claims about the 'roids appears to actually have some merit.
  • As we mentioned, Kyle had a great time watching NXT at Liverpool. Here are some of the great shots he got.

  • Once more, be sure to check out our friends at the WEnxt Podacts here.
  • Manchester United's ground, Old Trafford, is often referred to as "The Theatre of Dreams".
  • "It'd be nice to see if NXT commentators get the push up as well" - and funnily enough Kyle's thinking aloud actually came to pass, as Phillips & Graves both have very prominent roles on Monday Night Raw post draft.
Perfect 10 vs Almas

Back to the fashion parade here. Here we have Tye's ridiculous collar deal.

Meanwhile here's Andrade Almas' "European Gigolo" outfit

And that SWEET dropkick he surprised Tye with.

The easiest way to check out the look on Graves' face when Lita was essential unsure about whether 10x10 is 100 is to check out this episode of Botchamania.

Tag Title Match

So this was categorically the spot of the night.

For the benefit of any non-football fans, Robbie Savage is a former Birmingham, Blackburn and Derby County midfielder famous for his long golden locks of hair. Hopefully the resemblance to Blake & Murphy becomes clear seeing him.

"You're just a shit Blake & Murphy"

Half Time Question Time

Here's some pretty cool fan footage of that Undertaker entrance from Wrestlemania 29... well as Kyle's pick of Triple H's Wrestlemania 30 entrance.

I wasn't joking about Yoshi Tatsu's Triple H routine either.

Shinsuke vs A Double

"Stop, my penis can only get so erect" is of course a reference to Archer.

"Brother Nero, it is ovah!" - Broken Matt Hardy has been tremendous really. We recorded a few weeks before the infamous Final Deletion which is just a fascinating bit of work.

You think I'm kidding about generic chopsticks themes? Check out Orient Express' theme tune when they were in the WWF.

So yeah, Shinsuke's package...

Thankfully I'm not alone in noticing that area of his anatomy, as a week or two after recording, How2Wrestling released their one year anniversary episode and came to the same sort of conclusion.

"The blow job clean break" is when Shinsuke breaks a hold with his opponent against the ropes and he rests his head against their naval.

Anyway, this match was just tremendous. Here's Aries' awesome suicide dive.

And the devastating Death Valley Driver to the apron.

On top of that, here's the awesome Shinsuke coplayer in the crowd.

Women's Title Match

Here's Nia's scary looking ragdoll spot.

Although I should apologise, it was training with Asuka where Dana got injured.
Of course since recording, Nia has been called up to Raw and is being presented really well in quick squash matches. I'd be interested in seeing what her and Sasha can do together down the line.

Another thing to happen since recording is BOBBY... ROOOOOO has indeed officially signed on for NXT and his introduction to the promotion has been GLORIOUS!

Main Event

We probably breezed through this a little quickly, but our overheating problems had reoccurred a few times in a row by this point so we wanted to get as much done as possible.

You can actually watch Finn's appearance in his Joker get up for Progress for free here. Of course, Finn is now set to face Seth Rollins for the "Universal Championship" and Shinsuke is challenging Joe for the NXT title as I mentioned.